Reference Books
Are you a lily lover or new to lilies? Do you want to learn more about lilies? Check out these books.
LET’S GROW LILIES – $10.00 This is a comprehensive guide to growing lilies. Great for beginners or a refresher for everyone.
GROWING MARTAGONS by Eugene Fox – limited quantities at $25.00. Reprinted copies will be $35.00. This book focuses on growing martagons that are fully hardy to the prairies and can tolerate shade.
CANADIAN LILY HYBRIDIZERS AND THEIR LILIES by Leanne Dodd – was $30.00. Sale price is $20.00. This soft cover book is a great reference book with biographies of Canadian hybridizers and information on hundreds of their lilies.
CANADIAN LILY HYBRIDIZERS AND THEIR LILIES second edition by Leanne Dodd is $53.00 This hard cover book has additional information, higher quality pictures and paper, looks beautiful and is a great reference book with biographies of Canadian hybridizers and information on hundreds of their lilies.
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