
First Spring Lily Bulb Sale
Wide variety of asiatics, martagons and species lily bulbs that are ready to plant now! There will be some potted lilies as well as bare bulbs.
Check out the selection of books on growing lilies.

Add to your lily collection with a wide selection of prairie grown bulbs for sale. There will be Asiatic, Martagon, Interdivisional varieties and species lily bulbs that are ready to plant right away and add colour to your garden this summer. The Alberta Regional Lily Society is thrilled to partner with Greengate Garden Centre for this lily bulb sale.

Choose from a wide variety of asiatics, martagons and species lily bulbs that are ready to plant now. Information on planting lilies, the Lily Beetle, ARLS membership and our organization is available. We will have lily bulbs and some potted lilies for sale, $12.00 each for 1 pot or 3 or more pots $10.00 each.

Check out the 27th Martagon Show.
Judging takes place from 9:30 to 12:00 p.m.
Public viewing 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.
See these dainty lilies in a wide variety of colours with up to 50 flowers per stem, many of which have been hybridized by Alberta growers.
Check out the award winners and make notes for the fall bulb sales. This is the only show in North America featuring martagon lilies.

Judging will be done from 9:30-12:00 and then the public is invited to view all the winning entries. There are so many colours, shapes and sizes to see! Join us to celebrate our 37th Annual Show. All lilies and lily inspired designs are judged according to NALS criteria.
For information on how to show lilies and the 2024 categories go to Lily Schedule.
For Design Tips & Ideas go to Design Awards – Tips & Tricks

Check out the award winning martagons and make notes for the fall bulb sales. These dainty lilies are available in a wide variety of colours with up to 50 flowers per stem, many of which have been hybridized by Alberta growers.
This is the 27th Martagon Show, the only show in North America featuring martagon lilies.

Join us to celebrate our 37th Annual Show. See the amazing number and varieties of lilies that are grown in the area, Check out the award winners and make notes for the fall bulb sales.
For information on how to show lilies and the 2023 categories go to Lily Schedule.